What really is title insurance all about and why should you consider adding it when buying a home?

The insurance covers claims that may not have been found during the initial title search, for example, a contractor who did work and did not get paid. A claim can come up at any time even after you no longer own the home and the insurance is there to protect your interest during the time of your ownership and even after you sell it is still there to protect you during that time period.

Here are a few examples of what could come up. The first 2 actually happened to someone I know…

🛑 Liens added for that unpaid contractor or taxes that were not yours to pay

🛑 Forged documents

🛑 Easements: where someone else has the right to use your property like the electric company or phone lines OR someone does not have the right to use your property and they are encroaching

🛑 Building code violations from past owners

🛑 Survey errors and Boundary Disputes

🛑 Documents that may not have been recorded correctly

There can be other reasons that an Owners Title Policy could protect you.

DISCLAIMER. We are not a title insurance person nor do we currently have a financial gain on if you get this insurance, but I will encourage you to look into the benefits of how it can protect your interests from day one of owning that new home of yours. It is optional and a one-time fee so ask yourself this… is a large financial decision and this will protect my interest if any issue arises is it worth the money to protect me?