Tips for Winterizing Your House Before Temperatures Drop — Give Back Team of Coldwell Banker Elite

With colder weather around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare your home for winter.

As agents, we always recommend clients turn off their outside water before the first freeze and remember to have your sprinkler system blown out so you don’t have leaks in the spring.

In addition to our recommendations, here are some tips from Philip Watkins, Agency Owner, Goosehead Insurance on getting your home winter-ready.

1. Insurance Claims:

Winter weather-related damages account for an average of over $1 billion in insurance claims each year in the United States, with much of this attributed to issues like burst pipes, snow and ice damage, and roof collapses from heavy snow loads.

2. What to Watch Out for During Winter:

One of the most common issues homeowners face during winter is frozen pipes. When the temperature drops, water inside pipes can freeze, causing them to expand and eventually burst, leading to costly water damage. Make sure to insulate exposed pipes, especially in unheated areas like basements, attics, or garages, and let faucets drip slightly during extreme cold to prevent freezing.

3. Two Tips for Winterizing Your Home:

Seal Gaps & Insulate Windows: A lot of heat loss in homes happens through gaps in doors and windows. Consider using weather stripping or caulk to seal cracks around frames and install insulating window film or thermal curtains. This will not only improve your home’s comfort but can also save you money on heating costs.

Inspect Your Roof & Clean Gutters: Ice dams, which form when snow melts on your roof and then refreezes in the gutters, can cause serious water damage inside your home. Regularly clear out leaves and debris from gutters to ensure proper drainage, and check for any loose or damaged shingles before the first snow hits.

4. Little-Known Insurance Fact:

One often overlooked aspect of homeowners insurance is the exclusion of flood damage from winter-related weather, especially when heavy snowmelt occurs. While many people assume their homeowners insurance covers water damage from melting snow or ice, most policies exclude flood damage, which may require separate flood insurance. It’s always a good idea to review your policy and discuss with your insurance agent to ensure you're adequately covered.

If you live in Northern Virginia and have insurance needs or questions, give Philip a call at 757-771-0721 or email him at

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