The current date to watch is March 14th, 2025 but this can always change.

Another shutdown is a valid concern, especially for the DMV Area since we have a large population of Federal and Government employees. This hit our area 6 years ago when there was a shutdown for 35 days (2+ pay periods) and we still were able to help our clients buy & sell then too BUT…

The key is both sides may need to be flexible on the closing timeline should this happen again. The bulk of the process can still happen if the government does shut down, but 2 concerns are will the buyer still have the needed downpayment and or closing costs? Can employment be verified prior to closing?

Of course there are other concerns a buyer may have, but these are probably the most pressing to get to the closing table. Once closed, payment skips a month so in the case of 6 years ago a buyer would have needed that second paycheck in most cases to help cover their mortgage unless they have cash on hand to pull from.

The sellers side would possibly also feel a strain if they were contingent on their home sale to purchase their next home.

Flexibility will be the key and working closing with the lender and between the agents on all side will help the buyer and seller navigate this process.

Have questions? Our team is always happy to help answer them! We have helped clients navigate this situation 6 years ago and we can help you too