Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo but didn’t know where to get one? In the video below, we’re going to watch Ms. Melissa Longtin get inked with her daughter at Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival in Old Town Fredericksburg. We’ll talk with shop co-owner Kenny and his fellow tattoo artist, Ike, to learn all about their business and what they have to offer.

The Story Of Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival, Old Town Fredericksburg

Kenny tells us how their shop got its unique name. One New Year's Eve, he and his business partner Chase were a little bit inebriated. Chase came up with the idea of Tattoo Revival—which they both liked—but they felt like it needed a little bit more. Since Chase’s first name is actually Jack, they combined that with Kenny’s surname of Brown and put it all together, ending up with Jack Brown's Tattoo Revival.

Since Kenny is a Monty Python's Flying Circus fan—which he didn’t tell Chase because he’s sort of nerdy—he felt like the vibe fit perfectly. 14 years later,  Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival is the oldest tattoo parlor in Fredericksburg. They’ve been in the building for 17 years, spending some time working on another shop before the pair took it over and made it their own.

When you visit Jack Brown’s, the cool, laid back vibe and friendly staff make you feel right at home. Ike, who’s been tattooing with the shop for over 3 years, has tons of fun working with clients and creating amazing artwork for their bodies. Melissa Longtin has had all of her work done by Ike, so it was an easy choice for her to choose him for her latest piece.

Inking For A Cause

One thing that is great about Jack Brown’s is the way they give back. Kenny, his wife, and Chase knew before they opened their doors that they wanted to be community-minded, giving back to the community that would hopefully then be giving to them. Kenny’s wife Tanya came up with a two-day, walk-in tattoo event where customers could get any artwork they wanted at the shop’s regular prices, with 100% of the profits given to a local non-profit. While this is the first year they haven’t done it because of COVID, they normally hold the event annually and choose a different non-profit each time.

Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival has worked with the RACFP and the RCASA—which is the rape crisis center. They’ve also donated to the food bank, the ASPCA, and the Frazier-Mason Some Gave All Foundation to help veterans. To date, they’ve raised over $300,000 for the community since they’ve been opened. The chamber of commerce awarded the shop with a charitable award for the year they helped with Hope House, a women's shelter.

While some years they give to cuddly causes—like local SPCAs—they often highlight charity organizations that tackle tough issues like rape. While it’s not something easy to talk about, Kenny feels like the community needs to know that there are resources out there for people that need them. If you can't talk about touchy stuff in a tattoo shop, then where can you talk about it? For that reason, the team is committed to helping tackle those kinds of heavier issues.

Choosing Your Artwork

Another unique feature of Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival is a way for customers to choose their tattoo artwork. If a person doesn’t have a specific idea of what ink they’d like to get, the shop has an option for those who want to play their luck. For $100, customers can play the Zoltar machine that will pop out a design of the mystic’s choosing. Whatever design comes out is what you get tattooed on you. For an extra $20, you can roll again, though Kenny suggests that if you’re not a betting person, it might get expensive if you don’t like what you get.

They also have what they call a Porkchop Sheet, which is full of tiny, one-shot designs. If Zoltar gives the customer a dart, they’ll have a chance at choosing their design. They’ll give the customer a Nerf gun, give them one practice shot, and then let them take a shot at the sheet. Whatever it lands on is what you’re getting tattooed on you. It’s a fun way for those who don’t know—or care—what ink they get as long as it’s adding to their collection.

Come Check Out Jack Brown’s Tattoo Revival

Make sure to stay tuned for Melissa’s finished project—though we know it will be great. If you're interested in more information about getting a tattoo and you're in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area, you have to check out Jack Brown's Tattoo Revival. It's pretty cool and a must-see if you’re a tattoo fan or first-timer.

As always, this is a real estate show. So if you're interested in more information about townhouses, single-family homes, or a place to live near the tattoo shop in downtown Fredericksburg, definitely reach out to us and we’d be happy to connect.

1919 Princess Anne St.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

(540) 899-9002

Website: https://tattyshack.com/