Shadow Cat Advocates (SCA) mission is to aid, assist, protect, and defend feral cats throughout Stafford, Fredericksburg, and Spotsylvania, VA. 

Provideing Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) services, education, outreach, and rescue services.

Based on the unique needs of each cat they come in contact with, they may provide foster care and adoptive services to cats and kittens they trap. The cats and kittens they rescue are evaluated by a Veterinarian, receive appropriate medical care, and the cats and kittens will either be returned to their home colony or enter foster care where we will seek to find loving adoptive homes for each cat. Cats and kittens available for adoption are on their website, on Pet Finders, and on their Facebook page.

If you are in need of assistance to humanly manage feral cats residing in Stafford, Fredericksburg, or Spotsylvania, VA, SCA may be able to loan out traps, provide TNR guidance, and offer verbal support. Their services are provided entirely by volunteers as they have no paid staff members. They rely on grants and donations to support their efforts.

Want to volunteer?

Without volunteers, their work would be impossible, and they are always looking for additional helping hands. Are you willing to foster a cat for a short period, become a Petco kitty caretaker, drop off food to a feral colony site, help trap at night, or assist in a fundraising event? 

If you would like to get involved or be more involved, please send an email to Your commitment may be only one hour or one day per month, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here Are a Few Ways You Could Offer Your Time:

  • Transportation of kitties to and from vet appointments.

  • Their kitties up for adoption at the Petco in North Stafford are cared for twice daily.  If you are able to help just once a week, or even once a month, that would be a huge help!  Contact them to schedule a training session

  • Assist with setting up and staffing tables at fundraising and adoption events

  • Become a Foster

  • Assist with trapping

  • Feeding feral colony sites

Contact Information

To vote for them in January, click here